Mindful Moments – Learning How To Tap Back Into Our Intuition
Hello Friends! You may notice that this newsletter looks a little different than previous ones. I have changed mail services, but it’s still me and still the same content! I also have a new email address! You can now reach me at ka***@ka**********.com. I apologize for the delay in this newsletter, I have been working hard on getting my website up and running, but my daughter has also been having an exacerbation of her health issues. We have been in the emergency room every other week for the past month. So returning to this conversation with Psychic life and business coach Bonita K Hodgson could not be more timely for me! I hope recapping the topics we discussed in this episode is also helpful to you in one or more areas of your life. Bonita had a different perspective on some things that were both fascinating and mind bending. Let’s take a look! And I warn you, we covered so much in this episode, I couldn’t possible cover it all. I recommend you take a listen. This women is walking wisdom. Intuition = Emotional IntelligenceBonita talked about a well known spiritual belief called the soul contract. The belief is that our souls already know the challenges we will face prior to coming to earth in the bodily form. Not only do we know about them, we choose them. We choose all the hard stuff we go through because we need to work on developing a certain part of our soul so we can get closer to enlightenment. The experiences we choose will help us on the journey. But how do we know if we are moving in the right direction? The answer, the we known and often talk about a gut feeling. We all know it. It is an actual physical sensation that give us information about situations, choices, people and pretty much anything in life. That gut feeling comes from the enteric nervous system that contains 100 million neurons and has been labeled by science as the second brain. Bonita says that when something feels good, when our gut feeling is saying yes, then we are in alignment with our souls mission. As we go through the experiences out souls came for, we acquire gifts that we have to offer in life.
Surrender & Learning To Sit In The VoidWhat if you can’t hear our intuition? What if you are trying to listen, but you are getting nothing. Nada. Big fat ZERO! What do you do then? I love Bonita’s way of explaining how our subconscious is awareness with the blinders off. Our subconscious knows what we need to do, but our conscious ego mind, may not want to hear it. Why? Because once we are aware of something, it may require us to act and for change to happen. And that can be scary. Our limiting beliefs kick in and we think that we can’t make the change. What Bonita recommends is to just ask the universe questions like “what do I need to know or see? or “Please give me guidance.” And surrender to the outcome. The answer may not come right away or in the way we expect. We may have to keep asking and then wait with open awareness, patience and without expecting anything. Surrender and let the answer arise out of the void. The term void sounds scary, we are conditioned to believe that it means a vast empty space. But the void of not knowing is actually where the fullness of life’s potential exists. It is the wellspring of inspiration and where consciousness can turn to matter. Surrender to it with open awareness and deep faith in the magic of what can arise, knowing that this is where the most beautiful parts of life exist. Here’s the catch, we have to know that when we sit with ourselves in the void, uncomfortable feelings may arise. It is our instinct to run from them, but they are a part of us and carry some of our wisdom. We need to bring our whole selves to the table. There is no part of us that isn’t worthy, that doesn’t deserve to be there and doesn’t have insight and wisdom. Allow yourself to be with the gritty hard stuff. Breath into it and instead of turning your back on it, ask it what it has to teach you. Joy GuidesI loved this fun exercise that Bonita offered. She says we all came to earth with psychic abilities, but over time we learn to ignore them and then we believe that we don’t have these abilities. If we want to relearn to access these innate gifts, Bonita says we should approach it with a sense of play and openness. She learned about the idea of Joy Guides from a book by Sonia Jacquet. Every day we can wake up with the intention to see what our joy guides will bring us throughout the day. Ask your joy guides for a present and see what appears. Mindful Moments ExercisesGive Your Intuition Time – When you are on the fence about a decision this week, use Bonita’s brilliant response. ” I am waiting to hear back from someone.” No one needs to know that that someone is YOU! If your intuition isn’t speaking loudly, give it some time and patience to reveal itself to to you. And btw, the more you listen to it, the louder it gets! Cultivate Your Inner Leader – Follow your intuition despite what others might say. You can thank them for their input, ask them why they disagree or explain your rationale or not. You don’t owe anyone anything when it comes to following your internal guidance system. Sit In The Void – Ask the universe to show you the way on a particular topic you are struggling with by asking an open question like “what do I need to see, hear or know?” And then be patient and wait with open receptivity and have faith that the universe truly does have your back. Look For Your Joy Guides! Ask for presents today. :). And let me know what you get! I want to hear what they gave you! I love you my dear friends. I hope you are having a wonderful week and that something in this newsletter struck a chord for you. See you soon with my newsletter on Positive Parenting! That episode is out already and it’s a great one for all parents, but especially parents of strong willed kids. Love and Light To You Always, Katie |